If you are interested in joining a racing pigeon club, or would like to learn
more about the sport, visit these racing pigeon organization websites.
The American Racing Pigeon Union,
also referred to as the AU or ARPU,
has approximately 700 affiliated clubs and 10,000 members in the United States.
The International Federation of American Homing Pigeon Fanciers,
also referred to
as the IF, has 3500 Active members.
The IF strives to promote pigeon breeding, training, racing and
exhibition, to instruct and assist novices, and to organize clubs.
The Canadian Racing Pigeon Union
also referred to
as the CU.
The Royal Pigeon Racing Association
is the premier organization that
represents the sport of pigeon racing in England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland,
the Channel Islands and Gibraltar.
The South Australian Homing Pigeon Association